
Contribute Time

We run 100% on volunteers. Our board is made up of volunteers, our volunteers are volunteers. Pretty much everything that goes into making a functioning non-profit organization is given in kind. Western Muslim Initiative (WMI) is filled to the brim with passionate individuals who want to help Muslims bridge their various unique identities. It is the generous donation of time and expertise of volunteers that help the WMI run.

You can sign up to become a volunteer here!

Contribute Money

The WMI does its very best to fund programs through ticket sales, fundraisers, and grants to recover the cost of hosting programs, events and lectures. However, we continually try to raise funds for growth in areas of location, speakers, or additional costs that would provide attendees with the best experience.

Any help from donors is greatly appreciated and put towards Western Muslim Initiative events and programs. With your support, we hope to keep new events and programs coming. We sincerely thank you!

The Western Muslim is a registered charity with the Government of Canada
(BN 866334907RR0001). Click here to donate!

Contribute Ideas

If you have any ideas on what you,d like to see from the MWI please drop us a line. We like to stay current with the needs of the community and since we can’t know everything (unfortunately) we rely on you to let us know the kinds of events, projects and articles that we should be focusing on. We work best when we can put a face or voice to a name, so your best bet on getting your idea put in to action is to send us an email and ask to either talk to us or meet with us in person. We like to set our work plan for the year usually in December so try to catch us before then. Please contact us by emailing